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Resultados da pesquisa

Manufatura | Markets & Solutions 213.23352 -

ações automatizadas; O Panel Array Mode™ exclusivo da ATEN oferece suporte à personalização do utilizador. Controlo remoto e monitorizaçãoAumente a eficiência da gestão de instalações de grandes dimensões...

Rotulado: Outras

Educacional | Markets & Solutions 213.2335 -

de aprendizagem, economizando um tempo precioso em qualquer sala de aula ou ambiente de ensino. Integração fácilMúltiplas entradas e saídas são suportadas nas mais elevadas resoluções para integração...

Rotulado: Outras

ATEN solutions 89.75459 -

Centers / Server RoomsIncreasing Adoption of Over IP Solutions Increased growth of colocation facilities is driving growth in the KVM/serial over IP category as enterprise users seek secure access...

Rotulado: Recursos

Data Center / Server Room Solutions Guide 53.39149 -

align their data infrastructure with their strategic needs. Because it is almost impossible to know exactly the future needs of an enterprise, it is important that data center management solutions...

Rotulado: Mercado e Soluções

KVM over IP Matrix System Solutions 52.69595 -

power solutions, ATEN products connect, manage, and optimize AV/IT equipment in corporate, government, education, broadcasting and media, and transportation environments. ATEN has 570...

Rotulado: Recursos

ATEN Solution Day Jakarta 2017 32.260517 -

world’s smart cities. Attendees got to hear ATEN success cases in this area as well as experience live demos of innovative new ATEN solutions for the hospitality and surveillance markets. Watch a video...

Rotulado: Eventos passados

ATEN Unveils Market-leading Seamless Switch™ Technology and 4K2K Solutions at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2014 (Booth#10-R120) 28.306885 -

Video Solutions –With the trend growth of 4K2K Ultra HD devices, ATENhas developed a series of 4K2K products to fully meet the market needs.ATEN VE812(2-Port) andVE814 (4-Port) HDMI extenders support...

Rotulado: Comunicado à imprensa

ATEN Enhances KVM Over IP Solution with New CN8600 19.513815 -

Electronics solutions – from entry level operations to the enterprise market. ATEN is headquartered in Taiwan, and strategically located with subsidiaries or sales offices in China, Japan, Korea, Belgium...

Rotulado: Comunicado à imprensa

ATEN HDBaseT 3.0 Solutions Offer Uncompressed, Long-Distance Transmission 19.470171 -

As the Pro AV market continues to see technological improvements year over year, and in the realm of fully uncompressed multimedia delivery solutions, the latest innovation is HDBaseT Spec 3.0...

Detalhes | Transferir documentos de suporte

Rotulado: Livro Branco / Artigos em destaque

Spanish | Courtroom 11.350014 -

made Spica a household name in the AV market and a valued ATEN partner. The Galician government was in the market for an upgraded audiovisual system in over 40 courtrooms. Monitoring, recording, complete...

Rotulado: Outras

Hospitalidade e entretenimento 2.0368915 -

de origem em tempo real instantânea e controlo sem atrasos para digital signage sincronizada para envolver os clientes e aumentar as vendas. Imagiologia excelenteFornecer as mais elevadas resoluções...

Rotulado: Outras