구매처 | 공식 온라인 스토어 | 파트너 포탈 |

ATEN 컨트롤 시스템 교육 비디오

ATEN 컨트롤 시스템 교육 비디오는 두 가지 종류로 난이도와 내용에 따라 선택할 수 있습니다.

초급 수준

Basic Level

고급 수준

Advanced Level

구성 워크플로우

configurator 소프트웨어를 통해 ATEN 컨트롤 시스템 프로젝트를 완료합니다.

ExpandOverview (no.1)Add a device (no.2)Ethernet device (no.6)Relay device (no.3)Add an expansion box (no.4)Add a device to expansion box (no.5)Import a driver (no.19)Create a driver (no.20)Add a keypad (no.24)Upload to a controller (no.15) ExpandOverview (no.1)Add a device (no.2)Ethernet device (no.6)Relay device (no.3)Add an expansion box (no.4)Add a device to expansion box (no.5)Import a driver (no.19)Create a driver (no.20)Add a keypad (no.24)Add a viewer (no.7)Label & button (no.9)Slider (no.10)(ex: volume control)Radio group (no.12)(ex: source selection)Long press button (no.21)(ex: continuously act.Toggle button (no.23)(ex: power control)Press & release button (no.11) (ex: camera control)Upload to a controller (no.15) ExpandOverview (no.1)Add a device (no.2)Ethernet device (no.6)Relay device (no.3)Add an expansion box (no.4)Add a device to expansion box (no.5)Import a driver (no.19)Create a driver (no.20)Add a keypad (no.24)Add a viewer (no.7)Label & button (no.9)Slider (no.10)(ex: volume control)Radio group (no.12)(ex: source selection)Long press button (no.21)(ex: continuously act.Toggle button (no.23)(ex: power control)Press & release button (no.11) (ex: camera control)Add a macro (no.22)Create a variable (no.2)Schedule event (no.18)Monitor event (no.11)Configure VE89 video preview (no.34)Upload to a controller (no.15) Overview (no.1)Add a device (no.2)Ethernet device (no.6)Relay device (no.3)Add an expansion box (no.4)Add a device to expansion box (no.5)Import a driver (no.19)Create a driver (no.20)Add a keypad (no.24)Add a viewer (no.7)Label & button (no.9)Slider (no.10)(ex: volume control)Radio group (no.12)(ex: source selection)Long press button (no.21)(ex: continuously act.Toggle button (no.23)(ex: power control)Press & release button (no.11) (ex: camera control)Add a macro (no.22)Create a variable (no.2)Schedule event (no.18)Monitor event (no.11)Configure VE89 video preview (no.34)Viewer simulator (no.8)Action test tool (no.14)Upload to a controller (no.15)Backup & restore project file (no.16)Export to a USB drive (no.17)

변수 구현 워크플로우

조건 또는 버튼 동기화와 같은 다양한 상황에서 변수를 구현합니다.

ExpandCreate a variable (no.2)Create a flag (no.1)Via command (no.4)Via SSH console (no.3)Via feedback response (no.35)Create a condition (no.5) Create a variable (no.2)Create a flag (no.1)Via command (no.4)Via SSH console (no.3)Via feedback response (no.35)Create a condition (no.5)Import variable to a command (no.6)Toggle button (no.7)Radio group (no.8)Slider (no.9)Label (no.10)

이벤트 워크플로우 모니터링

configurator 소프트웨어를 통해 모니터 이벤트를 완료합니다.

ExpandCreate a monitor event (no.11)Switch (no.19)(multiple cases)Bypass (no.20)(bypass result to a variable)While loop (no.21)(continuously do)Synchronize VM3200 status (no.31) Create a monitor event (no.11)Switch (no.19)(multiple cases)Bypass (no.20)(bypass result to a variable)While loop (no.21)(continuously do)Synchronize VM3200 status (no.31)Query then listen (no.14)Dry contact DI mode (no.15)VDC DI mode (no.16)Variable value (no.17)Edit condition (no.18)TCP server (no.23)Non-fixed length mode (no.12)Fixed length mode (no.13)Through SSH console (no.24)

드라이버 생성 워크플로우

Database Generator 소프트웨어를 통해 장치 드라이버를 생성합니다.

Create a device driver (no.26)Device in ASCII or HEX format (no.27)Drop-down menu (no.28)Given name of parameter (no.29)A range or allowed manually input (no.30)Send command to a controller (no.25)