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Release Note

Welcome to KH1508Ai/KH1516Ai Cat 5 High Density KVM Switch
Notice: Before downloading the firmware, be sure to read the following information carefully.
This latest version is cumulative and includes the corrections contained in all previous revisions. There is no need to install previous versions if you are installing this one.
Version History
V1.4.1361.Improved keyboard/mouse compatibility
2.Improved the compatibility with the CC2000
V1.4.1341. Improved the network security.
2. Improved the display performance in some video resolutions.
V1.4.1331. Improved CSR solution.
2. Improved TLS v1.2 connection.
3. Improved OpenSSL.
4. Improved the compatibility with the CC2000.
5. Improved the performance of the importing the private certificate.
6. Improved IPv6 settings.
7. Improved the WinClient performance.
V1.3.1281. Improved SSL Security and Client AP function
2. Improved compatibility to MAC and KA Series Products
3. Improved CC2000 mouse and connection function
4. Change "SN" to "MFG" number
5. Added scroll bar to Java Client/Windows Client
6. Fixed IE-11 compatibility issue
(open Win client via IE-11 browser)
7. Added solutions to support CC2000 IPV6 & redundant functions
KA7570A_V11106.BIN KA7166_V14134.BIN
(For KA9120/KA7120)
(For KA9130/KA7130)
(For KA9171/KA7170)
V1.2.1171.Support KA7166/KA7168/KA7169 Digital Video USB KVM Adapter 
V1.2.1161. Improve client AP function
2. Improve NTP server
V1.1.1081. Solved 1280x1024@60Hz video display issue.
2. Fixed a keyboard & mouse delay issue caused by mouse mode change & PC re-connection.
V1.1.1071. Added support for IPv6.
2. Added support for System Macro function.
3. Added support for French, Russian, Spanish.
4. Added SUNOne OS support for LDAP authentication.
5. Improved mouse movement smoothness for remote IP users.
6. Added support for IBM 3560 M3 server.
V1.1.101Initial Release.