What is a KVM switch?
This device improves productivity, saves space, and money by allowing you to use multiple computers with one set of keyboard, monitor, and mouse. The exclusive feature offers IT administrators centralized real-time updating and maintenance.
You've just set up your new home office, or have begun work at a new company. As part of your job, you need to use two, sometimes three, computers at your work station. However, setting up three monitors, three keyboards, and three mice is making your desk far too crowded. Plus, there’s the additional hassle of moving around to use each computer. Or perhaps you’re working in a data center with servers in racks. You need to switch among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of servers in rack cabinets. How would you even accomplish this? What if there were a device that could allow you to quickly and easily access two, three, or more computers with just a single monitor, keyboard, and mouse? There is, and it’s called a KVM switch.