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Product hazardous substance management

We continue to ensure that each manufacturing process meets international laws and regulation and the requirements for customer environmental protection. With the hazardous substance restriction control specification being upgraded from time to time, and the establishment of the “Hazardous substance restriction management” project, we clearly stipulate the norm for product hazardous substance use and ensure that all of the requirements of the environmental protection related controls are met.

ATEN complies with the following requirements of the laws and regulations:

  • ● EU Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (EU RoHS 2.0) 2011/65/EU: Restriction of concentrations of lead (<1,000ppm), cadmium (<100ppm), mercury (<1,000ppm), hexavalent chromium (<1,000ppm), polybrominated biphenyl (<1,000ppm) and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (<1,000ppm) in the product. All of our products can meet the above requirements. We continuously endeavor to develop for fulfilling customer requirements.
  • ● EU REACH regulation: For the hazardous substance publicized and those substances of very high concern (SVHC) announced one after another by EU REACH, all of our products can meet the above requirements.
  • ● EU waste electrical and electronic equipment directive (WEEE 2012/19/EU): The directive asks the manufacturer to take responsibility for recovering waste electrical and electronic equipment, which includes collecting, processing and good disposal. Its aim is to reduce electronic waste for protection of human health and protection of environment from hazardous substances.
  • ● EU regulations No. 757/2010 and updated regulation No.850/2004 for persistent organic pollutants (POPs), textiles and other coating materials(1g/m2), finished products, semi-finished goods and parts (1,000ppm), and substances or preparations (10 ppm).