For the convenience of your installation, ATEN offers a mounting kit that allows you to install the Presentation Matrix Switch or Rack KVM Switches under the table. Please refer to the Compatible Products information below and the User Manuals of the Presentation Matrix Switches/Rack KVM Switches located in the Support and Download tab for further information.
Inhoud verpakking
- 2x Mounting Brackets
- 8x Philip Hex Head Cap Screws
- 6x Self Tapping Screws
Compatibele producten Alles weergeven
60W Mono Hi-Z eindversterker
ATEN Controlesysteem - Compacte Control Box Gen. 2
ATEN Controlesysteem - Control Box Gen. 2
ATEN Controlesysteem - Compacte Control Box Gen. 2 met dubbele LAN
4 x 2 True 4K HDMI Presentatieschakelaar met Multi-view
4 x 2 True 4K Matrix Switch voor presentaties met schalen, DSP en HDBaseT-Lite
4 x 2 True 4K Matrix Switch voor presentaties
Naadloze presentatieschakelaar met quad view multistreaming
7 x 3 Matrix Switch voor naadloze presentaties met schaler, streaming, audiomixer en HDBaseT
9 x 2 4K Matrix Switch voor presentaties
ATEN KVM over IP Solutions Online Trial

Under Table Mounting KitCV211 Online Trial
ATEN Unizon™ Trial Request
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