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ATEN eNews March 2017 - US7220 5.086397 -

Center, Beijing, China http://www.infocomm-china.com/en/index.php ATEN Solution Day Jakarta 2017 ATEN showed how IoT powers smart cities at ATEN Solution Day 2017, Jakarta Jakarta,  February 28...

ラベル付き: ATEN eNews

ATEN eNews January - ATEN UC9040 StreamLIVE™ PRO Wins Innovative Product Award, ATEN New Markets & Solutions - Media & Telecoms & Retail 2.8859947 -

media, broadcasting, and telecommunications is growing exponentially. ATEN offers content creation, data management, and control solutions to improve workflow efficiency and ensure the seamless...

ラベル付き: ATEN eNews

ATEN eNews August - Award-Winning ATEN Solutions, Eco-Friendly Data Center Innovations, and Fresh Takes in the Broadcasting Market! 2.0157082 -

ARM Cortex-A8 processor and built-in energy-saving relay, are purposed to enable lower energy consumption for best practice in data center sustainability, while promoting up to 70.65 kg (131.4 kw...

ラベル付き: ATEN eNews